- Earn up to 10% back in vouchers on your monthly spend instore with Tile Giant
- Access to great deals and exclusive offers
- Earn 5% back in vouchers when customers you refer to us spend at Tile Giant
Vouchers subject to a minimum spend and are only redeemable in Tile Giant stores and are valid for 90 days from issue, check in store for details and the full terms and conditions

We are also proud to announce our partnership with Checkatrade, the directory of trusted and vetted tradespeople
To celebrate our new partnership we have secured an exclusive offer for new members
Sign up as a premium member of checkatrade and receive your first 3 months free When you have been a member for 6 months we’ll give you £150 of trade rewards vouchers to spend in Tile Giant
You’ll need to be an existing member of our trade reward program to qualify and sign up via this Link or call Checkatrade on 02394 317 546
Why join Checkatrade?

Benefit from lots of amazing discounts and member offers.

The more feedback and recommendations you have, the more enquiries you generate

Get your share of more than 2 million* monthly searches on Checkatrade

You can be specific about the type of jobs you offer, and the areas in which you work
Helping you get back up and running:
We know how difficult the last few months have been and we are committed to helping you get back up and running. We’ve enhanced our trade reward offering, you’ll now get
And to reassure customers that it is safe for you to complete work in their homes we’ve pulled together some guidance for you and your customers.
If you are a registered Trade Rewards customer you can sign in using this Link