Our promise to you
We check prices on our bestsellers daily against other major retailers
Our experts check products to ensure that your tiles are of the highest quality and are ethically sourced
We save costs at Tile Giant to keep our prices low, so we will match any like for like product that is available in other stores
How it works:
We will only price match with identical products available from the following competitors: Topps Tiles, CTD, Mandarin Stone, Porcelanosa & Fired Earth. The products must be in stock at the time of the comparison and any products with promotional, bulk buy prices or clearance discounts are excluded.
Price matching cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional discount or offer. Samples are excluded from this policy. Price matching is at our discretion along with decisions on whether a competitor product is identical to a Tile Giant product. These T&Cs do not affect your statutory rights.
Please note: we reserve the right to withdraw the price promise or amend the terms and conditions of the price promise at any time.